You can scan your PC for outdated or missing drivers with DriverAgent. You will be presented with a list of updated drivers for each device. The software will then install them. As soon as a driver update is available, you can update the driver to be in the most recent version. This will speed up your PC. The program is completely free. To download and install the program, click the Download button below. But if you do not have an internet connection, you can install the program on your PC through the Microsoft Windows Store.
Once you download DriverAgent, you should install the free version. Once you have installed it, you should run the free download. Then, you should copy the product key and then run the program. You should see the same result as when you install the free version. If you do not need to upgrade your drivers, you can choose to disable it. Then, you can select the driver that has the latest version. Once you have updated the drivers, you can delete the old ones and keep the new ones.
If you have an older version of Windows, you can download DriverAgent for free and install it manually. You can also install the paid version, which does not require any installation, which is more convenient. However, you should be aware that it might be difficult to uninstall the program because the installers tend to change the names of the programs they download. After the installation, it will be necessary to clean your computer. But before you do that, make sure that you scan your computer thoroughly. You should scan it with malware scanners or antivirus programs.